
Friday, September 13, 2013


The older I get, the more I realize how lucky I am to have great friends who share my love of paper crafting or just crafting in general.  Last weekend I was lucky enough to visit a friend that lives several hours away from me.  She was such a wonderful hostess.  I loved her 100 year old native stone home.  Wish I would of taken some pictures but the camera is never around when you actually need it.

I went with my sister and another friend.  When we arrived we went to a basket weaving class and made this potato masher basket using an antique potato masher. 
 My basket making skills are not the best but for my 2nd attempt at a basket, not bad.  Sure wish I lived closer to Vannessa where I could take more classes and perfect my skills in basketweaving.  Once I fill it with goodies, it will look much better.

Vannessa sent me this lovely card after our visit.  She knows I love to quilt so this made the perfect card for me.  Notice the adorable card holder.  That was on my bed with a hand crocheted washcloth when I arrived.  Just adorable. 

I am so thankful to have such great friends and thanks to my sister for bringing us all together. 

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