
Sunday, June 26, 2011


I was so excited to make my daily visit to Nichole Heady's Blog to check out all the submissions for the contest and saw that my rainbow card won. I got to choose a stamp set of my choice. How exciting as I have never won anything before. I picked Button Boutique because I just love antiques and buttons. I am going to be able to do so much with this set. Just had to share my good news. Yippee! Even my husband was impressed. He said all he gets from his hobby (fishing) is ticks and chiggers.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Papertrey June Blog Hop Challenge

Today I am posting a card that I made for the Papertrey Ink Blog Hop. We were to use this picture for inspiration.

So I cut a couple 3/4 inch strips of paper and just started sponging different colors. The dies and stamps are from Love Lives Here Collection from Papertrey Ink. I just love that set because you can do so much with it. So this was my final card.
Be sure and check out all the other great creations on Nichole Heady's blog from other Papertrey ink enthusiasts.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Chocolate Box

I received a wonderful box of chocolates from my sister for my birthday and I couldn't bring myself to throw away the box. I decorated it up and filled it with pretzels dipped in chocolate. I gave these to Lauren for her birthday. I am finding there is always a use for everything. I have recently found joy in going to antique shops. Brings back wonderful memories of my childhood and makes me realize that everything has a use.

Happy Birthday Lauren

This was a birthday card I made for my friend Lauren who is also a paper crafter. I used the Vintage Basket stamp set from Papertrey Ink. The brown border is a new Martha Stewart punch. I know I am going to be using it often.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Smallest Cookbook

I signed up for a challenge on Splitcoast Stampers to make something out of an item you had around the house. I found these clear name badge holders that I must of bought for some reason. I picked out some of my favorite cookie recipes and here it is. Kind of funny but fun to create.

Check back this week for some great cards I made at Stamp Camp over the weekend.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Table quilt

Well it has been a long time since I have put anything on my blog. Many of you who know me, know what a week I have had. One of my kitties helped me finish this quilt by eating the needle and thread as I was putting the binding on. I went to fix lunch and came back and he was sitting on my quilt and no needle or thread was to be found. So off to the emergency vet clinic we went. (On a Sunday evening when no regular vet is open) It was in his stomach and we had to have surgery but they were able to get it out. What a relief because I sure love my kitties. Very stressful for my husband and I. So I just had to post a picture of this very expensive quilt on my table. (If you figure in the high vet bill).

I am happy to say that everyone is fine and that I am back to my creative self. Be sure and check back tomorrow for the smallest cookbook I have ever made.

Friday, June 3, 2011

June Image Swap

This is my version of the June card that I am in a group of wonderful creative people with.

Projects completed for 2011 - 149 of 365

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chocolate Card

I had started this card at my last stamp camp but got frustrated and quit. Not quite happy with the result but at least I can say it is complete. We used the chocolate stamp set from Stampin Up.

Projects completed for 2011 - 148 of 365

Creative Crew

 The 15th of the month sure rolls around fast.  Time keeps going faster and faster.  This month our hostess is Lorraine and she came up with...